Sponsored by: Drs. Charles J. Miller, S. Rand Werrin, John W. Gruendel
Charities: The Jewish Coummunity Center; University of Pittsburgh Department of Continuing Eduction and School of Dental Medicine; Allegheny General Hospital Department of Dental Medicine
Fossil Location: Not There (2009) map ]
Auction Price: $3300
Mixed media
Theme: Whimsical look at Dental Care

Dentosaurus About the Design
This design warns us that unless we take proper care of our teeth, they may "go the way of the dinosaur"!




About the Sponsors
Doctors Charles Miller, S. Rand Werrin, and John W. Gruendel strive to build a relationship with clients which allows a high trust/low fear environment and fulfills clients’ overall dental needs for a lifetime, in function, comfort, and beauty.

Click on the thumbnails for more pictures of Flossosaurus:


