Sponsored by: Alco Parking Corporation
Charity: The Children's Institute
Fossil Location: Across from Alco Parking Lot, Penn & 7th (2009) map ] [ directions to ]
Auction Price: $4500

Amazing HandsAbout the Design
With a giant watering can at the ready, this dinosaur blooms and grows. Artist Terri Draghi worked with kids from The Children’s Institute to design and paint the Tyrannosaurus rex. The children dubbed him "Wilson.' We know him as "Amazing Hands" because of the swath of handprints forming flowering plants and vines along his back. Patients and students from The Children’s Institute eagerly contributed their personal touch to help create the garden theme.

Sold!Downtown workers enjoyed how this dinosaur brightened their days during his stint at Penn and Seventh Avenues.

About the Sponsor
Alco Parking Corporation is the largest operator of parking facilities in the Pittsburgh area. Grant Oliver Corporation, an Alco affiliate, manages and operates Pittsburgh International Airport parking.