the Design
Award-winning O'Hara artist Cynthia Cooley took her clue for
her Stegosaurus, "Troyus Hillosaurus," from the Valley's
geography. Cooley says for more than 30 years, the hillside
neighborhoods of the region have been some of her favorite
painting subjects. The spine of the Stegosaurus made
her think of the top of Troy Hill. She painted two landscapes
on the Stegosaurus using the theme of the Troy Hill
neighborhood. One sid e
of her dino offers a view of the houses along the crest of
the hill, as seen from the Allegheny River. The other side
is the view from Troy Hill over the river, with the Downtown
skyline in the distance.
"The workers
who built their homes on Troy Hill had jobs which have now
gone the way of the dinosaurs, jobs in the Herr's Island slaughterhouse
(once below the Hill) and the Lawrenceville steel mills,"
she says. "But, like the bones of the dinosaurs, their dwellings
have not disappeared. They continue to stand, adding to the
lively mix of old and new, which makes Pittsburgh so distinctive."
Visit Cynthia Cooley's website.
the Sponsaur
Reed Smith is a top 20 international law firm dedicated to
core values of teamwork, professionalism and mutual respect.
The firm has provided an unsurpassed level of personal service
throughout its 125-year history, representing some clients
since its establishment. At Reed Smith, we believe, "It's
not just business. It's personal."
on the thumbnails for more pictures of Troyus Hillosaurus:

In process at
the warehouse |

In process at
the warehouse |

In process at
the warehouse |

In process at
the warehouse |


at Mellon Plaza |