Sponsored by: Carnegie Museum of Natural History
Fossil Location: Linden Elementary, Point Breeze (2009) map ] [ directions to ]
Auction Lot:
Purchased by sponsor—not available for auction
Wood veneers
Theme: A whimsical interpretation of dinosaur scales

Fleetwood About the Design
Fossil evidence indicates that some dinosaurs may have had scales similar to modern lizards. The scales may have been colored to provide camouflage or for display purposes. As a woodworker, DePaoli particularly enjoys projects which allow him to take advantage of the wonderful variations in appearance of the wood that he uses.


DePaoli covered the model Stegosaurus with scales made of thin pieces of wood featuring those variations present in nature. Using several species of wood from western Pennsylvania and selecting the samples based on grain pattern and natural aberrations such as bird's-eye, curly grain, and spalting, DePaoli created a I've been adopted!hypothetical scale pattern for the creature.