Sponsored by: Surgical Neuromonitoring Associates, Inc.
Charity: Think First for Teens
Fossil Location: Faith Gallo Garden, Stanwix St. at Liberty Ave. (2009) map ] [ directions to ]
Auction Price: $4400

Big City Torosaurus

About the Design
This nervy creature offers a peek into the dinosaur ER. It makes one wonder how modern medical science may have benefited the doomed creatures. Surgery session on a Stegosaurus! Artist Mike George sponge-painted the skin and detailed areas of neurological activity and blood flow to create "Neurosaurus." Sold!Look for this dino’s brain, spinal cord, leg muscles, and more. Doctors and other healthcare professionals will want to monitor this dinosaur and find him an appropriate home.

The sale of "Neurosaurus" benefits Think First for Teens, an educational program that explores peer pressure, risk-taking and conflict resolution as they relate to violence, motor vehicle safety, and sports/recreation safety.

About the Sponsor
Surgical Neuromonitoring Associates, Inc. provides intraoperative neurophysiological testing and monitoring services in most Pittsburgh hospitals and for many of the area’s finest surgeons. Focusing primarily on surgeries of the spine and brain, our highly skilled clinical neurophysiologists and technicians are dedicated to assisting surgeons in performing the safest surgery possible.