Sponsored by: The Pittsburgh Children's Museum
Charity: Carnegie Museum of Natural History
Fossil Location: Pittsburgh Children's Museum, North Side (2009) map ] [ directions to ]
Auction Price: $2400

PedosaurusAbout the Design
More than 1,000 visitors to the Pittsburgh Children’s Museum helped to create this sculpture. The children drew dinosaur images onto bright paper cut into the shape of various dino feet. Staff Artist Laura Shaffalo then transferred individual drawings to the dino. With images being added over the course of several weeks, watching the work in progress was as much fun as participating.

What do children know and feel about dinosaurs? Check out "Pedosaurus" and you will be amazed at the complexity of thoughts expressed therein.

Sold!About the Sponsor
Children's Museum of Pittsburgh has grown to become the region's foremost educational resource for young children and their families—serving more than 2 million people with innovative exhibits and programs. The museum uses hands-on exhibits (permanent and temporary), artifacts, performances, storytelling, and art activities to help children better understand themselves, others, and the world. Not only does this complementary programming establish a strong context for appreciating exhibits, but it fosters the sense of community and sharing that is central to the mission of the Children's Museum.