
Al Thomson of Pittsburgh, PA
Fossil Location: Frick Park (2009)
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[ directions to ]
Materials: Red lacquer, bronze metallic paint
Theme: Dinosaurs
and their food sources |
Raffle tickets
were available for $100 at the Gala & Live Auction on
October 18.
the Design
Don’t play with your food, children are told. Yet in one
of Pittsburgh’s most popular playgrounds stood a dinosaur
that dispelled this notion. "Toroflorasaurus Carnegii"
was a magnet for children, standing sentry in Frick Park’s
busy playground at Forbes and South Braddock Avenues. Artist
Greg Sandor did his research before ornamenting the Torosaurus
with its food sources of ferns, club mosses, cycads, horsetails,
bushy conifers, fern fruits, and the fleshy flowers of cycadeoids,
all drawn from fossils.